Enter your email address, click "Subscribe" and don't forget to check your email to confirm your FREE subscription. JANUARY 10, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Auditor Kiepke called the first meeting of 2023 of the Davison County Board of Commissioners to order at 9:00 a.m. Members of the Board present were . It's unknown if the addition of QND to the CS8 will affect these crossover games beyond next season. Springfield will miss Coach Gully, but Coach Hebb will step it up, Players You Need To Know From Central State Eight, Remember Deep Dish Football Is Just Not About Recruiting, But About The Love Of The Game Of IHSA Football, Goodbye IHSA Football Family And Thank You For The Memories And Support (VIDEO AS WELL), Talking Again With Downers Grove North WR Charlie Cruse Class Of 2025 - Top Illinois Recruit, Introducing Crystal Lake South 6'5 OL JJ Allonge Class Of 2025 - Name You Need To Watch, Conversation With 6'3 Mount Carmel OL Rahfeeq Katumbusi Class Of 2024 - Name You Must Watch, Meet Fremd Athlete Luke McIlhon Class Of 2025, Chatting With Belleville West Running Back JahKori Adams Class Of 2024, Talking With Elk Grove Athlete Dylan Berkowitz Class Of 2025, West Aurora Linebacker Romaine Forbes Talks About Junior Season & Future Goals, Conversation With Loyola Academy 6'5 Athlete Tommy Ghislandi Class Of 2025 - Name You Need To Know, Talking With Oak Forest DB Olajuwon Okunoren Class Of 2023, Chatting With Top Illinois Recruit Naperville Central 6'4 Linebacker Christian Kuta Class Of 2024, Conversation With Benet 6'4 OL Joe Rodi Class Of 2025 - Name You Need To Know, Joliet Catholic Class Of 2025 6'3 OL Jake Jakovich Talks Football & Recruiting, Talking With Deerfield 6'4 Athlete Hunter Glasgow Class Of 2025 - Name You Need To Know, Conversation With 6'3 Du-Pec Athlete Jaxon Diedrich Class Of 2025, ANY QUESTIONS EMAIL- coachbigpetefp@gmail.com. Football B . Winner will travel to #1 Hastings St. Cecilia on Tuesday. Well I got three teams that could be horror stories in the Central State Eight, and they could throw a wrench in the Leonard Plans. Wright added nine rebounds for the Eagles (8-8, 1-1 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference). Decatur Macarthur needs that first win to get started, 5. Central State Eight Track & Field Rankings Track & Field Custom Performance List High School Illinois Central State Eight View Athletic.net Ad Free in partnership with Central State Eight Track & Field Top 10 Rankings Level Location Location Event Filter by Age/Grade Compare Athletes Meet Info / Results View More Events. The other division features Chatham Glenwood, Decatur Eisenhower, Decatur MacArthur, Lincoln, Normal U-High and Rochester. In all honesty I have heard about the supposed downfall of Rochester for this upcoming season. .YzqVVZ{overflow:visible;position:relative}.mwF7X1{-webkit-backface-visibility:hidden;backface-visibility:hidden}.YGilLk{cursor:pointer}.HlRz5e{display:block;height:100%;width:100%}.HlRz5e img{max-width:var(--wix-img-max-width,100%)}.HlRz5e[data-animate-blur] img{filter:blur(9px);transition:filter .8s ease-in}.HlRz5e[data-animate-blur] img[data-load-done]{filter:none}.I5zqsT{display:block}.I5zqsT,.MW5IWV{height:100%;width:100%}.MW5IWV{left:0;-webkit-mask-image:var(--mask-image,none);mask-image:var(--mask-image,none);-webkit-mask-position:var(--mask-position,0);mask-position:var(--mask-position,0);-webkit-mask-repeat:var(--mask-repeat,no-repeat);mask-repeat:var(--mask-repeat,no-repeat);-webkit-mask-size:var(--mask-size,100%);mask-size:var(--mask-size,100%);overflow:hidden;pointer-events:var(--fill-layer-background-media-pointer-events);position:absolute;top:0}.MW5IWV.N3eg0s{clip:rect(0,auto,auto,0)}.MW5IWV .Kv1aVt{height:100%;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%}.MW5IWV .dLPlxY{height:var(--fill-layer-image-height,100%);opacity:var(--fill-layer-image-opacity)}.MW5IWV .dLPlxY img{height:100%;width:100%}@supports(-webkit-hyphens:none){.MW5IWV.N3eg0s{clip:auto;-webkit-clip-path:inset(0)}}.VgO9Yg{height:100%}.LWbAav{background-color:var(--bg-overlay-color);background-image:var(--bg-gradient)}.K_YxMd,.yK6aSC{opacity:var(--fill-layer-video-opacity)}.NGjcJN{bottom:var(--media-padding-bottom);height:var(--media-padding-height);position:absolute;top:var(--media-padding-top);width:100%}.mNGsUM{transform:scale(var(--scale,1));transition:var(--transform-duration,transform 0s)}.K_YxMd{height:100%;position:relative;width:100%}.bX9O_S{-webkit-clip-path:var(--fill-layer-clip);clip-path:var(--fill-layer-clip)}.Z_wCwr,.bX9O_S{position:absolute;top:0}.Jxk_UL img,.Z_wCwr,.bX9O_S{height:100%;width:100%}.K8MSra{opacity:0}.K8MSra,.YTb3b4{position:absolute;top:0}.YTb3b4{height:0;left:0;overflow:hidden;width:0}.SUz0WK{left:0;pointer-events:var(--fill-layer-background-media-pointer-events);position:var(--fill-layer-background-media-position)}.FNxOn5,.SUz0WK,.m4khSP{height:100%;top:0;width:100%}.FNxOn5{position:absolute}.m4khSP{background-color:var(--fill-layer-background-overlay-color);opacity:var(--fill-layer-background-overlay-blend-opacity-fallback,1);position:var(--fill-layer-background-overlay-position);transform:var(--fill-layer-background-overlay-transform)}@supports(mix-blend-mode:overlay){.m4khSP{mix-blend-mode:var(--fill-layer-background-overlay-blend-mode);opacity:var(--fill-layer-background-overlay-blend-opacity,1)}}._C0cVf{bottom:0;left:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;width:100%}.hFwGTD{transform:translateY(-100%);transition:.2s ease-in}.IQgXoP{transition:.2s}.Nr3Nid{opacity:0;transition:.2s ease-in}.Nr3Nid.l4oO6c{z-index:-1!important}.iQuoC4{opacity:1;transition:.2s}.CJF7A2{height:auto}.CJF7A2,.U4Bvut{position:relative;width:100%}:host(:not(.device-mobile-optimized)) .G5K6X8,body:not(.device-mobile-optimized) .G5K6X8{margin-left:calc((100% - 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SEYMOUR Floyd Central captured its sixth straight Hoosier Hills Conference championship Saturday at Seymour. [7][8] Lincoln High School is scheduled to rejoin the conference in the 2023-2024 school year. Welcome back IHSA Football!!! BEST BET: On CS8 Team Will Be in Champaign for Thanksgiving, WHATS SCARY: People Overlooking Rochester (NEVER EVER BET AGAINST DEREK), END OF A ERA: SHG Legend Ken Leonard Last season, TELL ME WHY: Glennwood & Jacksonville can't challenge for CS8 Title, SAFE BET: SHG Group of WRs is one of the best in the state of Illinois, TOP DOG TEAMS FOR THE CENTRAL STATE EIGHT, Sacred Heart Griffin, Rochester, Glenwood, CHALLENGER TEAMS FOR THE CENTRAL STATE EIGHT 2022, SURPRISE TEAM FOR THE CENTRAL STATE EIGHT 2022, COACH BIG PETE'S 5 TAKES FROM THE CENTRAL STATE EIGHT CONFERENCE. View the entire high school Football Rankings, Leaderboards, Scoreboards, Articles and more at sblivesports.com and scorebooklive.com Bids: R = conference representative; C = clinched playoff berth (6+ wins); A = at-large playoff team (5 wins). Quincy Notre Dame will begin competition in the 2024-2025 school year. . Its something thats going to be good for us in a lot of ways, Cornell said. Hanover Central coach Matt Bien said Sam Guglielmo a four-year letterwinner is poised and ready for the challenge. Columbus Blue Jackets (13-28-2, eighth in the Metropolitan Division) vs. Nashville Predators (19-17-6, sixth in the Central Division) .SsY_2i .UGHfip{border-left:var(--lnw,3px) solid rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1));height:100%}.SsY_2i{min-width:0!important;width:0!important}.SsY_2i .UGHfip{width:100%} The Crusaders will travel to #4 Scotus Central Catholic on Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 5:30 PM. @supports(-webkit-touch-callout:none){._xg6_p{-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;overflow:scroll}}.SMuTIa{height:100%;width:100%}.wuksD5{position:absolute} While the name implies that the conference has eight schools, there are actually ten schools currently active, due to other schools changing conference affiliations. While the name implies that the conference has eight schools, there are actually ten schools currently active, due to other schools changing conference affiliations. Billings Central's Kade Boyd carries the ball during the Class A football state championship game against Lewistown on Nov. 19. A preview of the Central State Eight Conference in Illinois! Decatur MacArthur has the talent to win but do they have moxy to win get over that 4-win hump. 2022 Snap! November 7, 2022 2. Central State Eight 3 Miles Bests Level Location Distance NXV Region Season Filter by Age/Grade Restrict Edit this List All Validated Men Women Compare Athletes Log in to embed this report into your website Log In or Create Free Account to View More Stats Top 50 rankings in each category are free. The CS8 is scheduled to team with the Big 12 Conference for crossover gamesin 2023. Mobile, Inc. and Central State Eight Conference. ANYTHING AND I MEAN ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN IN IHSA FOOTBALL. MADISON -- The Lac qui Parle Valley Eagles strengthed their grip on the top rung with an 8-4 victory Thursday over Yellow Medicine East in West Central South Conference baseball. SLAYTON - Despite outrushing its opponent in Friday night, Murray County Central found the end zone just once, while Adrian made the trip four times as the Dragons downed the Rebels, 28-8, in the Little Sioux Conference. It's unknown if the addition of QND to the CS8 will affect these crossover games beyond next season. 2. Cornell noted he has attended camps and clinics with Jacksonville coach Mark Grounds, Rochester coach Derek Leonard and retiring SHG coach Ken Leonard. The North Central Conference boys basketball race is ready to heat up. QUINCY The Quincy Notre Dame football program needed a home. * Last updated at 6:19 pm on Saturday, October 22, 2022. Its going to make us raise our bar as far as how competitive we are and how we prepare for games, QND coach Jack Cornell said. TO GET TO KNOW MY READERS AND SHARE INSIGHTS AND IDEAS. The Central State Eight Conference is a high school athletic conference in the Illinois High School Association (IHSA), based in Central Illinois. Central Illinois Central State Eight Central Suburban (North) Central Suburban (South) Chicago Public, Blue-Central Chicago Public, Blue-North Chicago Public, Blue-Southeast Chicago Public, Blue-Southwest Chicago Public, Blue-West Chicago Public, Red-Central Chicago Public, Red-North Chicago Public, Red-North Central Chicago Public, Red-South Beginning in 1993, the Central State Eight Conference competes in 11 boys, 13 girls and 13 coed sports and activities within the IHSA. Heres how the varsity schedule will work: The Raiders will have Week 1 and Week 2 open for non-conference opponents. QND joined the Big 12 for the 2021 spring season caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; it returned to independent that fall. Conference Stat Leaders Stat Categories Scoring Per32 Rebounds Field Goals Free Throws 3-Point Assists Steals Blocks Charges Double Doubles Bill Connell, their AD, and Jack Cornell, their football coach, we talked with them and met with them and they're very excited to be joining our conference., Contact Bill Welt: (217) 788-1545,bill.welt@sj-r.com, Twitter.com/BillWelt. BOTTOM LINE: North Alabama aims to break . 10 Harrison and Muncie Central are . 1. Do you want to receive the Muddy River Sports sportsletter in your inbox every morning? Normal University. High school football is the greatest thing because of pure parity. During the spring 2021 season a six-game season dictated by the COVD-19 pandemic QND played as an affiliate member of the Big 12 Conference, finishing 4-2 and playing for the league title. It gives the league a 12th member, which allows for two six-team divisions with crossover games, and it eliminates the scheduling nightmares QND has endured as an independent. The other will contain Rochester, Glenwood, Normal University, Lincoln and the Decatur schools Eisenhower and MacArthur. As it turns out, they needed each other at just the right time. 2022 Snap! BALTIMORE (AP) Justin Wright scored 21 points as North Carolina Central beat Coppin State 64-59 on Monday night. https://muddyriversports.com/college/sometimes-its-a-bounce-sometimes-its-just-luck-coakleys-putback-beats-buzzer-and-panthers-as-hawks-rally-for-glvc-victory/20230117063804/. January 17, 2023 3:43 AM. Timothy Lenderking, accompanied by State Department spokesman Ned Price, right, speaks by teleconference during a news . They have all been helpful to me in my coaching career, Cornell said. Central State Eight Conference full members, Locations of Current Central State Eight Schools, "Taylorville Accepted Into The Apollo Conference", "Central State Eight Votes In Decatur Schools", "Lincoln High School Board Votes To Leave CS8, Join Apollo Conference", "U High Opts To Join Central State Eight Conference", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Central_State_Eight_Conference&oldid=1130427909, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 30 December 2022, at 03:28. That wont be the case any longer. Center Ben Kreitz was all-conference and Daily Journal All-Area after averaging 15 points, 11 rebounds and three blocks per game. While the name implies that the conference has eight schools, there are actually ten schools currently active, due to other schools changing conference affiliations. Central State Eight will have Jacksonville and Glenwood both make deep playoff runs this season. As a result, the Capitol Conference dissolved, leaving its remaining members (Jacksonville, Springfield Lanphier, Springfield Sacred Heart-Griffin & Springfield Southeast), as well as Big Twelve Conference castoff Springfield, to find new homes. [5][6] Lincoln has departed for the Apollo Conference following the 2016-2017 school year, with Normal University joining at that beginning of the 2017-2018 school year from the Corn Belt Conference. Rochester. Justin Wright scored 21 points as North Carolina Central beat Coppin State 64-59. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. 3 players to watch. Central State Eight Conference Standings Chatham (Glenwood) (6-2) Nickname: Titans Head Coach: David Hay Previous Record: 6-4 Classification Enrollment: 1403.00 MaxPreps schedule & stats Decatur (Eisenhower) (1-7) Nickname: Panthers Head Coach: DaJuan Johnson Previous Record: 1-8 Classification Enrollment: 982.50 MaxPreps schedule & stats Football. We dont have to go as far as we have in the past.. These high schools are all members of the Illinois High School Association. The Highlanders won seven of the 12 events en route to 383 points 185 more than . The conference will then be split up into East and West divisions. Like The Work Of Deep Dish Football And Coach Big Pete. Notre Dame and the CS8 collaboratively announced Wednesday morning the Raiders will join the league in 2024 for football only. Hay has this Glenwood team dreaming big this season and always strong line play, and Jacksonville with Elijah Owens is a force to be reckoned with. In selecting the field of 256, wins are the most important playoff selection criterion. Opponents' wins are used to break ties. Senior Essence Richardson is back for the Decatur Eisenhower Panthers this season. SURPRISE TEAM FOR THE CENTRAL STATE EIGHT 2022 Springfield COACH BIG PETE'S 5 TAKES FROM THE CENTRAL STATE EIGHT CONFERENCE 1. 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