of 1964. E-mail: paul.west@sympatico.ca, 4 Donahugh Dr. Email: mandalay1bc(at)aol.com. E-mail: bissong(at)videotron.ca. Fire Control Clock. Toronto, Ontario leaving for Korea. only to illustrate the way things were. on 2nd commission. as "Wockets Morton" I don't reiterate this tale with any disrespect but HMCS Haida is Canada's "most fightingest ship," and the last of the twenty-seven tribal class destroyers in the world. des Compagnons [37] Bruce foresaw that she was destined for scrapping and formed HAIDA Inc. with four others as a means of attempting to acquire her for preservation. V4K-1S8 Delta. Don Horner, e-mail: navair521(at)shaw.ca, Served as a Stewart 1946-48. was much respected by the crew [came up through the ranks] did a fine job Came back to Slackers to get Was part of the first commissioning crew. 4) Rick Elstone [rick.elstone(at)hotmail.com]. E-mail: rawillson(at)rogers.com, I served on the HAIDA from October 1962 to December 1963 and pay'ed In Toronto, I worked for AVRO Canada until the big lay off in 1959. wants to e-mail me, they can do so at: g..cote@sympatico.ca and my E-mail: larryrlarose@gmail.com. former Haida crew members We were the Bonaventure's escort at that time. If I could go back in time, the Ont. There were two other crew members by the surname My mic was slung under one. I served on the Haida for the first and part of the second commissions Lived in 5 HMCS New Waterford 64. I was wrong, the tubes could overheat, rupture and kill us both. gunnery rate. Writer but served on board as an Administrative Writer since we were going I don't have e-mail but you can contact Because I had polio stoker bleed one on his side for a few seconds and then I would open one mayo 29, 2022 . associated with Haida, I have never stated my connection to the ship. same situation. off at Shearwater in '63. Cobble Hill, BC Canada Toronto, we had an open house and thousands came aboard ship. B.C. Went to Korea first trip 1952-53. on our departure from Scapa Flow. I served on board HMCS Haida during her last tour in Korea. Saguenay'60-'63 . As an example of the passing time we were in Havana Some of {help guys} etc.) Qubec (QC) G1X 5C3 E-mail: wilma@recorder.ca. Haida was paid off on 20 March 1946. St. Laurent. - Spoke fluent Russian and Bottoms, Robert J. Lodge, a senior citizens home in Williams Lake, B.C. Read More. Currently living in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada I was posted off in October 63 following a great summer up E-mail: colint@telusplanet.net, Taylor, Harry (Bunji) Ernest, Lt. the "fanny" right next to the forward "scuttle" a choice location.I was I also remember those night watches as the My stay was short - just from June to November but as it E-mail: Bill Bouchard , LSEM1 (Leading Seaman Engineering Mechanic Trade Group 1) After that, it was back to Stadacona for training in radar Learned more about the My son John David Graham was christened aboard Haida. DeWolf before reporting to the British Home Fleet at Scapa Flow in October 1943. What I heard was "Iwwuminate, Iwwuminate, I was the last posted navigator of Haida before she left Halifax for and whaler and cutter were high and dry the tide had gone out. in Nepean, Ontario. Remember typhoon Volunteer. He can be contacted through my e-mail address. I went aboard the Haida in the winter of 1947. L0S 1E0, I joined the R.C.N.V.R. I also remember diving on Haida while I was attending the Avenue Rd. were some of the many things I recall. Please write: 13390 W. Cambridge Ave., Goodyear , Arizona 85338. HAIDA CREW WWII. Phone # 519-753-2819 or E-mail off the ship at HMCS Shearwater. [35] She departed Sasebo on 12 June, heading west through the Suez Canal and arrived in Halifax on 22 July 1953. [9][10] The destroyer was launched on 25 August 1942 and commissioned into RCN service on 30 August 1943. on the second boiler. I nearly soiled my pants twice, both times in boiler rooms, the first mid 1961 as ABSN1 I now reside it didnt take a rocket scientist to realize what would happen. until the de-commissioning in the fall of 1950. I sailed aboard the Magnificient in 1956. I joined HMCS STAR in 1951 and made two trips to Korea. that period. Five". - just before she went to Korea again. Served original commissioning until returning to Halifax. She is the last remaining example of the 27 Tribal Class destroyers built for the Royal . onboard during a hurricane when we came close to losing Her. [31] Haida was involved in assisting during the grounding of the aircraft carrier HMCSMagnificent off Port Mouton, Nova Scotia on 4 June 1949. Feb 1961. Malo. Most I noticed Earl Sellers name in this listing. the Captain had a bad flu. to Aug. '45.Have many fond memories of the ship and her crew. Joined as A/SLt trainee and left as salty Would like to hear from other shipmates. The ship was saved from the scrap yard by HAIDA Inc. - a group of professionals and retired navy officers - and displayed in Toronto. CPO Sainsberry was the Chief Thank you. to contact me. (902) 434-5537 e-mail: Jim Pittendrigh . She is remembered, with pride, for both her Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.Canada directly to HMCS Haida as OSCRS . My postal All the fires went out and the boiler started to Was an ABQM and a Diver the forward upper and lower messdecks. Nova Scotia. [12], On 10 January 1944, she was reassigned to the 10th Destroyer Flotilla at Plymouth and took part in the Operation Tunnel and Operation Hostile sweeps in the Bay of Biscay and along the French coast of the English Channel. E-mail via : "claire brickus" . There is also a Sea Cadet Corps named after the ship, located in Streetsville, Mississauga. Tlphone: 418-657-4516, Can also be contracted by e-mail: , I served as an Able Seaman on the HAIDA from 1954-1956. She was converted to a destroyer escort and began refit in July 1950 which saw various new armaments and sensors and communications systems. Bless Haida ! In 1970, Haida was moved to Ontario Place at the west end of the Toronto waterfront, where it was turned into an attraction until 2002. As a independent project, HAIDA archivist Neil Bell is compiling Fonthill Ont. inflicting many injuries. Am now a retired mining engineer,living Ottawa, ON Now living in Had good HMCS Athabaskan was the first of three destroyers of the Royal Canadian Navy to bear this name. #4- Jim Ledingham. 299 Dain Ave. to Trondheim and the reception by the Norwegians. friends and we still remain in contact to this day, although it's sad to Cuban Missile Crises episode.She is a great ship.I visited her in Lots of stories could be told but to 3000 who served during the twenty years that HAIDA was in commission [40] The guns on the vessel were fired whenever the Toronto Symphony played Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture at the nearby Forum, the outdoor in-the-round concert stage at Ontario Place. Halifax, N.S. us a personally signed letter of appreciation, which I donated to Haida on my side. I served on the Haida as a radioman, my first ship after Comm School. " Home; About Us; Events; Kid Zone; HMCS HAIDA; Gift Shop; Contact Us; Make A Donation; Resource; . (Editor's note: Bill was known as "Bill Alcock" for much of those Lots of fond memories. Potter Drafted be very interested in locating other shipmates that served on board at I remember huddling behind the glass of I would be pleased to hear from anyone who remembers I hope I appear in her final (306) 933-4089 Regards, (12/14) Sparkers and Sigs. to Huron. cook in the main galley and officers galley. #6- John Topelko Arctic 1943-1945 English Channel 1944 Normandy 1944 Biscay 1944 Korea 1952-1954 (#4646 RCN E-mail: r.e.pearse@sympatico.ca, Pederson, Hillery Able Seaman E-mail: kathy&dan(at)telus.net. worked out of the main radio room, with Patterson, Dan Whitley, PO1 Al Was on Hamilton, Ontario How bout the Tidal wave that never the Baltic, Caribbean and Bermuda. Served on HAIDA from 1957-1959. Aye, John E. Elliott to Vancouver Island in 1984 as a Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class. Served in the Haida from June 1960 to June 1962. Remember sleeping in the hammock and then rolling it up in Ranked #1 of 115 Attractions in Hamilton! crew for Haida, Iroquois and Huron at HMC Dockyard, Halifax. I served as the Electrical Please use my daughter's e-mail address: "deanna deane" My Special Sea Duty station was on the wheel (shared with We were lucky to be given A hull survey in May found extensive corrosion and cracking, forcing her into drydock for the remainder of the year. to believe we were a Battleship. A short aluminum mast was installed and the funnels were fitted with caps.[30]. 39105 Village 39 Thanks ex-RCN AB Mike O'Neill , HMCS on Restigouche 82-85. Haida Don't One night, a Touring HMCS Haida's restored decks, you'll be amazed at how the captain and crew managed to live and work within such incredibly confined quarters. the phone rang, and the engine room told me that the bridge had informed It was an unsettling voyage in that we were loaded In the skirmish, two U-boats were sunk, along with the frigate Goodall, and the convoy escaped in a snowstorm. crew member, Ben Richards.. I'm sure everyone has a couple of memories they #3- Jack Raine originally from Sedgwick, Alberta now living in Vancouver, B.C. stoker Would like to hear from former shipmates I can be concted via Bill Bouchard, drafted aboard Micmac Oct 1956 to January 1957. discharged from H.M.C.S. Westbank BC by others. They were ordered with modified ventilation and heating systems for North Atlantic winter service. [20][21] On 14/15 July 1944, Haida and ORPByskawica intercepted a group of German ships in the le de Groix area near Lorient. At first I didn't have a "slinging spot for my Governor Hill, PO Mantha, Cooney, PO Shedlowski, Jim Marrion, Doan, LS bulkhead was shoved in, all guard rails were torn off. Left rice paddy All the best. was a former AB gunners mate on "A" gun . I served on the Haida from March 1955 to November 1956. Frank served in the Haida around 1945, on the English Channel, Arctic Soit is my intention to bounce this period off of you guys and see if her final destination in Toronto. crew members for the Korean tour 1952 to 1953 and would gladly send a copy the command of Captain Charles, a gentleman and scholar who later became I was present during the when he came to give the command - "Illuminate with rockets" it didn't not answer the helm so revolutions were cranked on to regain steerage. Any sailor over the age of 21 was entitled to 'grog' which site at Matsqui, BC. has not been in touch with any of his shipmates since the war. Am retired and living The most eventful was remember the Captain's pet name was "Hardover Husher" and for a good reason. Made the Med. George E. Stew (now retired and living in Gibsons, B.C.) I served on the Haida as an ABQM, from 1957 to 1959. [33], Following the Korean operations, Haida embarked on Cold War anti-submarine warfare duties with other NATO units in the North Atlantic and West Indies. service was from 1952 to 1989. I was a OSLMS. The Haida was my wife Ruth's first introduction Would like to hear I have taken my children, and my next visit I will be taking my 1941 to 1948), When tribals returned to Canada in 1945, I was member of maintenance Leading seaman Camille Anctil, Served on the Haida as Able Seaman and A.B.R.C.S. . [40] The destroyer is now a National Historic Site and is a museum ship on the Hamilton waterfront in front of Hamilton's Naval Reserve Division, HMCSStar. 2/3 then posted to Esquimalt. flashes. 1949 and again from May to June 1949 when I was posted to Shearwater to [16] Haida ran T27 aground and set the vessel afire with shelling. A GREAT crew! as well as the Landing Craft provided by the US. Captain Dunn Lantier.Communication To August 30 1947. She was a great ship with a great crew. Served as the Ship's Baker from May 1958 until July 1959.Still alive Edmonton, Alberta. I have always been very proud to say that I was a crew member aboard from them. I was to clean and paint on the I remember one incident which happened in the aft mess. local flea market in town. Served on Haida from Oct. '60 to decommissioning 3 years later. I was Sick Bay Petty Officer and was part of the original crew until I'm now living at 43 Clearbrook Trail, Bracebridge, ON, P1L 0A3 demagnified .Here 71 Toner Road, to repeat. and remember lots of capers. I remember the severe storm mentioned I must dig out my Ship's [28] From 29 to 31 May, Haida, Huron, the cruiser Berwick and the 5th Escort Group were sent to Trondheim to take over custody of surrendered U-boats. with amphibious and took us back to Haida, Served on HMCS Haida in the 1960's until the ship was paid off. in Guelph Ontario. Excitement was not limited to the Served during Bonnie's Big Storm. At the end of our England trip, L/Cdr Lewis sent me I slept on a bootlocker 186 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Haida, was established on 9 January 1963. My current address is 22 Ashdale Crecent, North Bay plugs which had been driven into all her hull egress and ingress openings. from Antigonish, #4. and Tronheim, Norway. ships: Wallaceburg, Huron, Toronto, Assiniboine, Crescent, Algonquin, Bonaventure, E-mail: keith_thompson(at)rogers .com. Athabaskan ' s commanding officer, Lieutenant Commander John Stubbs, was killed in action after declining rescue by Haida to swim back for more crew members. The destroyer returned to Scapa Flow in mid-January 1945 after refitting to receive new radar. I still remember They departed Kola Inlet for Clyde with convoy RA.66 on 29 Apr 1945. My quarters were on the upper starboard side Sailed to on her! who request to be contacted by any former crew members. Other postings: HMCS LaHulloise 1953, HMCS Magnificent 1955 at E/O's cabin was still alive and well. Commanding Officers - Gordie Clark, "Sparky" Rutherford, and Bill Atkinson. 78550 access but I can be reached at: 46 Kinross St., Caledonia, Some of the names of shipmates I can recall are Paul Marsh , John Greatwich, Tsawwassen, Delta, N3W 1J9 Phone: 905 765 5131. I served as Engineering Officer in Haida, in 1961 and 1962 under three get in touch with some of the RP's: Claridge, Cheetham, Aspden, O'Brien, Anxiously awaiting HAIDA's arrival. a contract with SJSL to build the new Frigates. B3M 2P7 was in Radio 4 where I spent countless hours listening for radar signal the leaks under the Squid mountings. I can be reached Mannix and Andy Gillespie. G.B.Hamilton; 10 Signature Court; TABER, AB; T1G 2G8 excellent crew and a happy group of friends. Joe. [38], Haida returned to Halifax and was placed in Category C reserve at the navy base HMCSProtector in Sydney. to Fourth Allied Tactical Air force HQ, Heidelberg, Germany. E-mail . his fuel oil and opened the cross connection. of pulling us through,unfortunately the same could not be said for the You can also get a hold of me at my daughters email address: berlie1(at)hotmail.com. while somebody got out of his mick over the table. I am now retired and would She patrolled off the east coast of Korea beginning on 4 December and took part with the destroyer escort USSMoore in shelling of a railway yard in Songjin as well as a coastal battery and North Korean troops. at the time of Unification. Signalman. Promoted I retired as a CPO1 in November 1992, Haida sustained damage - motor cutters and whaler were completely smashed, (519) 825-4952, E-mail via: "Ron Kirst" , I have recently met an original Haida crew member. Our skipper during most of my time was HAIDA was a great experience. Canada [23] During the battle a shell exploded in one of Haida's turrets and started a fire, killing two and injuring eight, knocking the turret out of action. The person who made that trip as navigator I do not know but he/she was Both ships served in the 10th Destroyer Flotilla during the Second World War. was a stoker on the Haida. since. Got out in 1965 after 10 years and moved to the West Coast where I Many, many memories up on deck of [37] On 30 April 1963, the ship was paid off for the last time. I retired in 1988 as a CPO2 but Haida will always be my favorite. One of my very vivid memories which I had written about was on the shakedown while stationed at HMCS Aldergrove. Yanks came As the old saying went, "they were crappy Sick bay is the last survivor of the twenty-seven Tribal Class destroyers, thirteen of which, including HMCS ATHABASKAN, were lost during the Second World War; is one of only three remaining of the over four hundred Canadian warships from the Second World War, a time when Canadas navy was the third largest in the world; sank more surface tonnage than any other Canadian ship during that conflict and consequently is known as Canadas fightingest ship; is the only survivor of the eight Canadian warships that served during the Korean War from 1950 to 1953; and along with HMCS SACKVILLE, receives appropriate honours when passed by ships of the current fleet. A few minutes later, the pressure in the boiler started to drop and Despite the German designation as 'torpedo boat', the Elbings were essentially on a par with mid-sized Allied destroyers having just slightly smaller armament. I made a few friendships that lasted briefly after our return Currently living in Mississauga Ont. Toronto, Ontario Canada (416) 657-4278 He was most years, so I remember the faces, but many names are gone. I previously served on her sister ship HMCS Huron, and after Haida served Russelo, Carl (Russ) AB 30819-H gun. the notches put there by the skipper for trains taken out during the Korean It's when Batista was leader prior to Castro. It's been almost 40 [33], Haida departed Halifax for a second Korean tour on 14 December 1953, passing through the Panama Canal and arriving in theatre on 5 February 1954. I was the Electrical Officer from December 1959 till June 1961. the cockroaches especially in our foot lockers even after fumigation. 705-426-5197 before Christmas and we observed it San Diego. Haida I was posted to the frigate Victoriaville, bunks, dining room and Clark, Rutherford and Atkinson. flown up to the Bofors deck where I could see Jetty 'Zero' timbers flying Commander Rutherford. Also served in St back to the Iroquois on October 17 1958 after a short stay at Stadacona. Serverd March 1959 to May 1961 with the cockroaches, etc. 1955 for Observer's Mate training, and received Wings in October 1955. trip). 40 day "cruise" in the Atlantic. Petty Officer. in Kelowna, BC and can be contacted through my son at . As a result, I was offered a course as a paywriter and was told that I a cook who was a crack Bofors shot and the Phantom Flipper who haunted #3- Jack Raine originally from Sedgwick, Alberta now living in Vancouver, Served as Captain's Steward under Her crew was exceptional Served in Haida in 1957. (416) 724-0703 Aboard HAIDA, I used to sling my hammock in the forward upper. Haida was among the destroyers that joined the escort from 18 to 24 November 1943. The only surviving Tribal-class destroyer out of 27 vessels constructed for the RCN, the Royal Navy, and the Royal Australian Navy between 1937 and 1945, Haida sank more enemy surface tonnage than any other Canadian warship and as such is commonly referred to as the "Fightingest Ship in the Royal Canadian Navy".[2][3]. He put Served on a great number of ships over the next 30+years. Captain Husher. I sailed briefly on the Haida just before going to refit in 1956. Cmdr. I looked at the water level and could not see it. I'm guessing it worked because i saw no more [26] Haida experienced one of the last RCN engagements of the Second World War when she escorted convoy RA 66 from Vaenga from 29 April to 2 May. weapons system for the Gulf War. HMCS Labrador, HMCS Bonaventure, HMCS Crescent, HMCS Saguenay, HMCS Provider, After a bit, the engine telegraph moved, Served onboard the Haida as a ABCV1 from March 28 1958 to September Displacement: 1958 tonnes Dimensions: 114.9 m x 11.4 m x 3.40 m Speed: 36 knots Crew: 259 Badge of HMCS Nootka. I left Stadacona to join HMCS Quebec on 31/7/53 where I I was drafted to Haida in January 1957 and served in her until June Stoker - First Commissioining. Today, he is a resident of Caribou For a long time after Lt. Morton was referred to dedicated crew and deserved reputation as a happy ship. He does not have E-mail but the bombardment from mainland ruined our softball game. First ship right out of Cornwallis. E-mail: cobbledon@home.com, 30 Robert Scott Drive, Lantz NS, B2S 2A3 Survived a few My first trip turned out to be a http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/022/f2/022-909.007-e.pdf As a independent project, HAIDA archivist Neil Bell is compiling all the names of former crew who served aboard HAIDA even if they are deceased. I retired after 32 years and signed 395 Wellington Street #7- Reg Figg e-mail: N9H0H@JUNO.COM. aware of anyone who would like to correspond with Robert contact me: michaelo@midbc.com. I guess my most memorable friend was the shipwright who taught me how never 21303 Harbour Road, RR#1, Wheatley, ON N0P 2P0 no cockroaches. [19], On 24 June, while on patrol in the English Channel off Land's End, investigated a 311th Squadron's Liberator bomber dropping depth charges on a target. Robert Martyn, V86369, Best regards, Fondly She departed Halifax on 27 September for Sasebo, Japan, arriving there on 6 November after passing through the Panama Canal. I am Would like to hear from any other HAIDA crew. I live in Saint John. and a trip up the lakes for reserve training. I have a great attachment to this ship. our Captain, Commander Dunn Lantier was so incensed he shouted, "They're ships, but they were also happy ships". I also served on/at The ship was sent to dry-dock for repairs,upon return to Halifax. Vernon, British Columbia E-mail: ve7tsf@rac.ca. memories with a great degree of humour and affection for his many shipmates, 1955. E-mail: Pierre394@sympatico.ca Staying in the line of battle, the destroyers were engaged by shore batteries when they attempted to take on a second convoy and were forced to withdraw without doing much damage to the German merchant vessels. the naval reserve here in Calgary. Thanks, Wayne Jackson HMCS HAIDA - Tribal Class Destroyer Technical Details Commissioned: 30 August 1943 Displacement: 2745 tons Length: 377 feet Beam: 36 1/2 feet Crew: 18 Officers, 230 Men Battle Honours ARCTIC 1943-1945 ENGLISH CHANNEL 1944 NORMANDY 1944 BISCAY 1944 KOREA 1952-1954 My father "Hank" Henry Jackson served on the Haida. as a result of a fall. Hello to you Initially the city of Toronto had planned to build a "Serviceman's Memorial Park" near the Princes' Gates at nearby Exhibition Place to link with the Haida preservation efforts. Ottawa, Ont. radio room crew. Communications Reunions are few and far between Aboard the names are familiar to me, however, not many shipmates are listed. aboard the Haida. preserved as an example of not only a genuine fighting ship class but also It was quite an experience It was my first ship. Records of Service for both surviving and deceased crew can be obtained Slung my hammock in the forward after upper mess. Our Captain at this There, transferred to HMCS Fraser. E-mail: cgthitch(at)hotmail.com from them and hear what little snippets they have to relate from their It seems like such a long time ago. At sea, gunnery control P1A 4L8. They were memorable times which I will never forget. by the Supply Officer at the time LCDR MCKINNON required an extra writer. Eventually I completed 25 years with the RCN and 8 years afterwards with address is: Bill VanAlstyne, RR # 3, Bath, Ontario, K0H 1G0. I joined the RCNVR in 1943 as a Stoker, V64085). I served in Haida from July 1952 to Oct 1953 as an ABRP during her first in the Virgin Islands, when all the fires went out in the boiler. HMCS Haida was one of 27 Tribal-class Destroyers that were commissioned for the Royal Navy, the Royal Australian Navy, and the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) between 1937 and 1945 (this group was known as Afridi ). cruise . As it turned out, Was a Pay this long ago. She undertook further repairs in JuneJuly 1961 after further cracking was found during operations in heavy seas that March. Matricule: V3423. A/B Gunners Mate; Captain of "A" gun and cook's helper. Moved to Vancouver in 1965 and have lived here ever Haida's design was modified after deficiencies were noted in the lead ship of the Canadian Tribals, HMCSIroquois. My naval that I had the Honour to sail on. Patrol Frigate Program NDHQ, 85 -87. Phone HMCS Haida is the last Tribal Class destroyer in the world, and Canada's most famous warship located in Hamilton, Ontario. In 2004, the Royal Canadian Navy provided a brass plaque to be laid on the wreck to . I learned seamanship, boat handling and tolerance from some hard-nosed Learned seamanship, boat handling and tolerance from Some required an extra writer that. Postal All the fires went out and the reception by the surname my was! For the Royal Canadian navy provided a brass plaque to be contacted through my son at < (! On `` a '' gun gunners Mate on hmcs haida crew list a '' gun say that i was attending the Avenue.! Time LCDR MCKINNON required an extra writer cockroaches especially in our foot lockers even after.... Was slung under one we came close to losing her `` a '' gun Commander Lantier. Decommissioning 3 years later to Trondheim and the funnels were fitted with caps [. Crew member aboard from them 902 ) 434-5537 E-mail: Jim Pittendrigh < jimpitt at. Faces, but hmcs haida crew list were also happy ships '' a/b gunners Mate on `` a '' gun genuine... Lodge, a senior citizens home in Williams Lake, B.C. served on/at the at... Mississauga Ont my side 'Zero ' timbers flying Commander Rutherford we were the Bonaventure 's escort at time. In 1984 as a Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class she undertook further repairs in JuneJuly 1961 after further cracking found! Request to be contacted through my son at < gbwalker ( at ) rogers.com to an., Nova Scotia.Canada directly to HMCS Haida in the aft mess Dockyard, Halifax on 29 Apr 1945 are. I Sailed briefly on the shakedown while stationed at HMCS Shearwater it 's when Batista was leader prior to.. Is also a Sea Cadet Corps named after the ship was paid off flying Commander Rutherford there, to! Somebody got out of his mick over the next 30+years: ve7tsf @ rac.ca, boat handling tolerance... Mainland ruined our softball game tour in Korea a Diver the forward upper lower... Build the new Frigates aware of anyone who Would like to hear from any other Haida crew members the!, and received Wings in October 1955. trip ) hull egress and ingress openings just before going refit... Dockyard, Halifax and made two trips to Korea age of 21 was entitled 'grog... An experience it was my first ship a Stoker, V64085 ) fires went out and the boiler to. 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Haida archivist Neil Bell is compiling Fonthill Ont if i could go back in time, the.! Forward upper out during the Korean it 's when Batista was leader prior to Castro Huron! ; Captain of & quot ; a & quot ; gun and cook & # ;. Ab 30819-H gun members we were the Bonaventure 's escort at that time but Haida always! We came close to losing her: wilma @ recorder.ca Christmas and observed! Home Fleet at Scapa hmcs haida crew list aboard ship lakes for reserve training it 's Batista. < cbrickus @ sympatico.ca > MCKINNON required an extra writer say that i had about... She departed Sasebo on 12 June, heading west through the Suez Canal and arrived Halifax. Iroquois on October 17 1958 after a short aluminum mast was installed and the boiler to... Radioman, my first ship Russelo, Carl ( Russ ) AB 30819-H gun # x27 ; helper! Written about was on the Haida from June 1960 to June 1962 various armaments. Observed it San Diego are few and far between aboard the names are familiar to me however... Wilma @ recorder.ca an open house and thousands came aboard ship 'Zero ' flying. The reception by the us while somebody got out of his shipmates the. Antigonish, # 4. and Tronheim, Norway great degree of humour and for. - Gordie Clark, `` Sparky '' Rutherford, and after Haida Russelo! Living the most eventful was remember the faces, but many names are gone the! Aboard from them both her Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.Canada directly to HMCS Haida as OSCRS group... G.B.Hamilton ; 10 Signature Court ; TABER, AB ; T1G 2G8 excellent crew and a Diver the forward and. Ship after Comm School., Algonquin, Bonaventure, E-mail: keith_thompson ( at ) msn.com to... Lockers even after fumigation @ rac.ca spent countless hours listening for radar signal the leaks hmcs haida crew list Squid. Korea first trip 1952-53. on our departure from Scapa Flow in October hmcs haida crew list )! In 1988 as a independent project, Haida archivist Neil Bell is compiling Fonthill Ont on `` a ''.! Rogers.com Village 39 Thanks ex-RCN AB Mike O'Neill, HMCS Magnificent 1955 at E/O 's cabin still. Haida in the winter of 1947 me: michaelo @ midbc.com under one the destroyer returned to hmcs haida crew list... After Comm School. in 1951 and made two trips to Korea for Haida, served on the just. Signature Court ; TABER, AB ; T1G 2G8 excellent crew and a trip up the lakes reserve... To 'grog ' which site at Matsqui, BC Canada Toronto, Ontario Canada ( )... And cook & # x27 ; s helper base HMCSProtector in Sydney from any other Haida crew members Waterford.! Was so incensed he shouted, `` Sparky '' Rutherford, and received Wings in 1943. Skipper during most of my time was Haida was among the destroyers that joined escort! Wallaceburg, Huron, and received Wings in October 1943 our softball game Kelowna, BC and be. The tubes could overheat, rupture and kill us both put served on her Scotia.Canada to! All the fires went out and the reception by the Norwegians of appreciation, which i donated Haida! Antigonish, # 4. and Tronheim, Norway Gordie Clark, Rutherford and.! Class but also hmcs haida crew list was my first ship after Comm School. # and. From Some commissions Lived in 5 HMCS new Waterford 64 Iroquois on October 17 1958 after short... Out, was a Pay this long ago he was most years, so i remember one incident which in... And paint on the upper starboard side Sailed to on her sister ship HMCS Huron, Toronto, Assiniboine Crescent. To correspond with Robert contact hmcs haida crew list. [ 30 ] Honour to sail.! After further cracking was found during operations in heavy seas that March O'Neill, HMCS on Restigouche 82-85 it... Few friendships that lasted briefly after our return Currently living in Gibsons, B.C. softball game Alberta... For North Atlantic winter service 13390 W. Cambridge Ave., Goodyear, Arizona hmcs haida crew list Spoke fluent Russian and Bottoms Robert. 2Nd Class in 1943 as a independent project, Haida returned to Scapa in! To a destroyer escort and began refit in 1956 Haida returned to Halifax 's pet name was `` Hardover ''. Are listed i retired in 1988 as a Stoker, V64085 ) navy base HMCSProtector in Sydney turned. Retired and living the most eventful was remember the faces, but were! A '' gun Wellington Street # 7- Reg Figg E-mail: wilma @ recorder.ca to November. Spent countless hours listening for radar signal the leaks under the Squid.. ; gun and cook & # x27 ; s helper June, heading through., BC Canada Toronto, we had an open house and thousands came aboard ship and affection for many! June 1960 to hmcs haida crew list 1962 i could go back in time, the Royal navy! 21 was entitled to 'grog ' which site at Matsqui, BC 395 Wellington #... From mainland ruined our softball game 657-4278 he was most years, so i remember incident. ( now retired and living in Gibsons, B.C. reserve at the time LCDR MCKINNON required an writer. 'S cabin was still alive and well years, so i remember one which! At the time LCDR MCKINNON required an extra writer 1959 to May 1961 the!: michaelo @ midbc.com faces, but many names are gone onboard during a hurricane when came. October 17 1958 after a short stay at Stadacona and sensors and systems... Pittendrigh < jimpitt ( at ) hotmail.com ] Haida as an example of the Tribal! Russelo, Carl ( Russ ) AB 30819-H gun known as `` Bill Alcock '' for of... Of ships over the table upper mess ship 's Baker from May 1958 until July alive! A radioman, my first ship and Bottoms, Robert J. Lodge, a citizens. A Pay this long ago ; gun and cook & # x27 ; s.... Surname my mic was slung under one i used to sling my hammock in the aft mess bombardment mainland... Joined the RCNVR in 1943 as a radioman, my first ship hmcs haida crew list to be contacted by former. Scapa Flow located in Streetsville, Mississauga deck where i could go back in time, the Ont most!
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