Most, 85 percent, are male. I am ready to lead, to work with our council, and to get things done. NYPD volunteers can't carry guns or arrest people. Seventy local organizations and leadersincluding our organizations, Jewish Voice for Peace-Atlanta and Project Southare demanding that Atlanta get out of these deadly police exchanges. There has been considerable controversy over the law's funding and implementation, including criticism of the expertise and capability of the guards. Also, a few guards have used their company guns to pursue inappropriate or illegal matters, which has drawn further criticism. Indeed, when it comes to subjugating Muslim minorities in particular under the guise of fighting terrorism Israel, a chronic human rights violator, to borrow an Amnesty International designation, is the best of the worst offenders. They were the first officers on the scene. Police Chief Insp.-Gen. Yohanan Danino described the academy, which sits on 23 hectares (54 acres), can house 1,000 cadets and features multiple classrooms, a fire-arms According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 2018 brought a 69 percent increase over the previous year in Israeli settler violence toward Palestinians, and a rise in Palestinian deaths and injuries in Gaza. Essential Phone List Recruitment Process Driver Inquiries Public Complaints About . Many U.S. states, cities and towns allow their police departments to be trained by the Israeli police, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and by Israels internal security services known as Shin Bet who for decades has oppressed the Palestinians with brutal policing tactics. Armed security guards sometimes accompany students on field trips, although it is unclear whether this is currently mandated or how frequently it occurs. 3. no travel through Palestinian controlled areas of the West Bank or Gaza Strip. Its where the infamous knee-on-neck move originated. Since then Israel has not only provided India with weaponry and technology tailor made for suppressing Kashmiri liberation aspirations, including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), laser range-finding and targeting equipment, and advanced air-to-ground weapons, but also Israeli intelligence agencies routinely travel to India to train their counterparts in counter-insurgency strategies. One should bear in mind the fact that the policing profession is different from the combat skills of the IDF. Even the military relies heavily on reserve troops who may do just a few weeks of duty per year. Authorization to Carry Firearms in Schools. Theyre turning off utilities for refuseniks in San Francisco. The police in Victoria, Australia are smashing car windows, dragging people out of their cars for face diaper refusal. Recommendations for Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Israel Police. Most volunteers who are not paid but are supplied with free uniforms and shoes work as patrol officers and traffic police or help with crowd control. Go figure. They dont have the vaxxx yet, but thats whats coming. Israeli police conduct searches at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. It's sick and the USA should stay away. The training of US police officials by Israeli forces is widespread. Worrying more about blaming Israel for all the worlds ills, rather than caring about racial injustice in the US. Dozens of planes with Chinese surveillance equipment (facial recog, etc.) One of the first comprehensive surveys of Israeli training of US local and federal law enforcement officials. Domestically, the militarization of police departments is linked to the expansion of surveillance, harassment and Black and Brown extrajudicial deaths. Despite the fact that most Israelis serve in the IDF and many have The initial petition, created by a coalition of ten Durham organizations states that the Israeli Defense Forces and the Israel Police have a long history of violence and harm We asked San Diego County leaders to share their visions for the coming year. Baltimore law enforcement officials, along with hundreds of others from Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina , Georgia, Washington state as well as the DC Capitol police have all traveled to Israel for training. There needs to be a unified movement against these oppressive forms of law enforcement and population control, and an immediate end to the training in and by Israel. thanks!! Being a police officer in a democratic state is not a simple undertaking, explains Deputy Chief Newman. Was California cop justified in pulling gun on man mistakenly suspected of stealing Mentos. Co-author Domingos sees herself as a hybrid between African American and Black African. In both of these fields, the Israel Police employs dedicated units, and we developed a training program in cooperation with the Training Division. The number of police volunteers tops paid staff; according to a department spokesperson, Israel employs 30,000 professional police officers. 7. contingency plans to move groups to safety or bring groups home if necessary. It is a complex task that necessitates on-going training throughout the years of the police officers service and for all ranks., The recent sexual harassment scandals and the deposition of the senior police officers associated with them has undoubtedly led the Israel Police to a hopeless situation with regard to the moral aspect. The word vaccine is still fine with me and understood by everyone (except those who only know vaxx). But Israel has a long history of arming and training oppressive regimes. In 2019, Georgia has already recorded twenty-two fatal police shootings, The Washington Post reports. Despite this isolated incidence of push back against Israeli military training, the fact remains that Israel has become the go to resource for governments that seek a solution for suppressing restless and harassed populations. Dekmar noticed that the Israel Police has started recruiting Arab-Israeli cadets as early as high school to increase the chances that theyll become officers. Since the 9/11/2001 destruction of the World Trade Center, for which there is evidence of Israeli involvement, New Yorks police department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and a slew of other local, state, and federal agencies have routinely sent officials to Israel for anti-terrorism training. You cant cherry pick what techniques cops employ, as long as they dont abuse people while making an effort to prevent crime; but George Floyd was murdered. The targeting of specific groups with terms that imply guilt by association has become the norm. They are arresting people on the street for not wearing slave rags over their gobs. During one recent shift, he and his partner, another volunteer, responded to a call from a citizen who was watching someone trying to steal a car. Exclusive on-site coverage. They are incorporated into the shifts, getting briefed along with professional officers and staying in touch via radio during patrols. US police trained in lots of places. Israeli-American David Weisburd, an internationally recognized policing expert, says this perhaps loose approach to managing volunteer officers reflects some of Israel's character. Law enforcement and the communities we serve face many challenges. This is a calculated attempt to turn people of color against Jews. He cites ultra-Orthodox Jews, Jewish Israelis of Ethiopian descent and Arab Israelis, who make up 20 percent of the population, as groups who struggle frequently with police. That makes for some brutal policing. But in this country, proud of individual contributions adding up to a nation, human rights organizations that are critical of the police have focused on issues other than volunteers, such as privatization and general police tactics. "They had already tried to break into one car. "And the parents turn to the younger son, in this case the police, and say, 'Why can't you be more like your older brother?' These guards are generally employed by private security companies, while the Israel Police (the country. The police in Victoria, Australia are smashing car windows, dragging people out of their cars for face diaper refusal Sounds pretty bad. Essential Phone List Recruitment Process Driver Inquiries Public Complaints About . (Jewish Virtual Library) "In early September 2012, the New York Police Department (NYPD) opened an Israeli branch at the Sharon District Police Headquarters in the Israeli coastal city of Kfar Saba." There's a mistake in the article with New York listed twice and New Mexico left out. Israeli law currently requires a guard in schools of 100 or more students. Israeli-trained security guard traveling with each group on a daily basis, 6. orientation for staff and participants including safety and security procedures and protocols, and. Photo: Iranian Army / WANA (West Asia News Agency) via REUTERS, , . Two examples of police violence in Atlanta bring this home. What are Kung Flu/Vaxxx checkpoints and where are they located? The Israel Police (Hebrew: , romanized: Miteret Yisra'el; Arabic: , romanized: Shurtat Isrl) is the civilian police force of Israel. As with most other police forces in the world, its duties include crime fighting, traffic control, maintaining public safety, and counter-terrorism. In fact, he stated, Israelis have used weapons in domestic conflicts in very few cases. When the Myanmar military launched its operation to terrorize the countrys Muslim minority, Israel trained these forces. The Israel Police create a file for each institution, which includes the number of students and staff, phones, means of communication, and private security companies that work with the school. While not required to have them, some schools, notably smaller ones, have experienced difficulty funding security guards. "Instead of giving money and sitting in a castle, you know, at least you're doing something for your neighbors," Shadmi says. Israel Police. For Black Americans, one term is Black identity extremist. Arab and Muslim Americans are known as terrorists. Abuse of this term has been facilitated by the inability or unwillingness of the U.S. State Department to more specifically define terrorism.. In this way, trainees coming to study at the academy will receive advanced training in these subjects, too., It is evident that in the eyes of the Israel Police training specialists, the establishment of the new National Police Academy is a turning point with regard to organizational culture, the technological aspect and the continuity of the training activity. We believe the main consequence of training San Diego police in Israel is increased police profiling, surveillance and intimidation of San Diegos Arab and Muslim populations. Co-author Khoury was ethnically cleansed from West Jerusalem in 1948 and from East Jerusalem in 1967. In the last Knesset (the Israeli legislature), a bill was introduced authorizing guards to intervene in certain cases inside schools. Some more than other, They took 10 years of my life my 20s entirely, practically with, Black nationalists call him Martin Luther Queen because he was kno, The Beast as Saint No King, I always try and help my people, specially the youth understand that a Black nat, Copyright 1970-2022, All Rights Reserved. Since the programs inception in 1992, it has trained at least 1,700 participants, including officers from the Atlanta Police Department. Prior to the transfer, we had numerous training organizations whose operations were not always fully synchronized, and no comprehensive, nation-wide overview. It is subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Security central command and is part of the civilian Israel Police force, specifically the Israel Border Police. Israel Ministry of Education, The Israeli Education System Strives to Protect Its Schools and Students from Terror,, last visited on February 4, 2013. 2. daily consultations with the security department of the Jewish Agency for Israel. This was one of the most dishonest, antisemitic, Jew blaming article I've ever read. These incidents nearly doubled in the state, up 77 percent between 2017 to 2018. Israeli police honor guard stand at attention during the funeral of Haifa police chief Ahuva Tomer, in the northern Israeli city of Haifa, Monday, Dec. 6, 2010. Each segment of the public has different codes of conduct, and knowing them is the basis for good police work. For twenty-seven years, police departments in Georgia have received grants from the U.S. Department of Justice that subsidize these trainings. The tactics and strategies that the U.S. and Israeli governments have used to suppress marginalized communities are strikingly similar. We wanted one central location that would enable a uniform standard and training continuity for all functions and ranks. I dont want to bet anything. The Hindutva-Zionist Alliance Has Never Looked So Ominous. more than 2 years ago. He further asserted that the greater threat of attacks in Israel comes from Palestinian and allied terrorists living outside Israel. Elliot Miller There is a front line and a rear area. Internationally, the United States military is engaged in Black and Brown countries as convenient battlefields. Disgusting. Editorials, Commentary, Reader Reaction and a touch of Steve Breen delivered every Sunday. The government has calculated the value of Israel's police volunteers as equivalent to 2,000 extra full-time officers, a 6 percent boost in the force. Most American Negroes are Black with White stripes. These tactics further militarize US police forces that train in Israel, and this training helps the police terrorize black and brown communities here in the US.. In January 2019, twenty-one-year-old Jimmy Atchison was fatally shot in the face by Atlanta policeeven though the robbery he was accused of may have never taken place. As noted above, the guards are generally private security company employees. Our objective at the new academy is to provide the trainees with the tools that would enable them to make the right decisions in the grey area of reality., Another element of the new training concepts works on the mental aspect. Huh? The cost of the establishment of the new academy is estimated at about 700 million ILS, and operating costs for the first 25 years are estimated at 2.2 billion ILS. Too late. And they might have to confront a terror attack that can take place at the same time, on [the] same shift," Rosenfeld says. Erella Shadmi, a former Israeli police officer who writes about security and discrimination, says she is "not against volunteers" but wants more oversight. The main stop for overseas training for American police happens to be Israel, which is a brutal, militaristic society. There are checkpoints in and out of NYC. What matters to security forces around the world is Israel knows how to crush political resistance and dissent. Eisendrath International Exchange High School in Israel,,, Eisendrath International Exchange High School in Israel,, While armed guards, police, or soldiers are stationed at some schools, in less threatened areas unarmed guards or parents are stationed at the school's entrance to check for unauthorized people and suspicious packages. more than 2 years ago, Linda Ryder There is no mention in the report of the very real targeting, infiltration, setting up, and harassment of racial-nationalists, however. U.S. police forces have been militarized, Zionized, and convinced that the American people are the enemy. *The views expressed in this column are the authors own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Inside Arabia. POWERFUL SPEECH Dr. Nurit Peled-Elhanan is the mother of Smadar Elhanan, 13 years old when killed by a suicide bomber in Jerusalem in September 1997Israeli mother Addresses European Parliament WARNING TO AMERICANS An Israeli Soldier's Story - Eran Efrati, Cyndy T The programs have enabled law enforcement officials in New York to import Israeli surveillance, racial, ethnic, and political profiling and protest suppression tactics and technologies, as well as enabling Israeli officials to learn from policing practices in New York City. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the San Diego Union-Tribune. As part of the over-all concept of the new academy, the Israel Police Planning Division initiated an innovation program to be implemented at the academy. Mahmoud Illean/Corbis via Getty Images The Ministry of Education, together with the Israel Police's Community & Civil Guard Department, designed and implemented a preventive care program for elementary schools called Elementary Security. The program aims to encourage safe behavior and prevent all forms of violence through a series of classroom lessons taught by a community police officer in conjunction with the teacher. According to Associated Press, 15 journalists and three media workers were killed in Mexico in 2022. Alongside the classrooms where the trainees study theoretical contents, the new academy campus includes state-of-the-art training facilities that enable the trainees to practice an extensive range of scenarios. The new academy was built in the BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) configuration where the state purchases services for 25 years from the building contractor and following that, the facility is transferred to the possession of the state). Originally from Britain, he runs a program focused on getting other immigrants to volunteer. The tactics used by the IDF are intentionally geared towards oppression and terror of the native population in Israel, Jewish, Arab and Christian. Shadmi believes there is not enough re-training in how to serve civilians for the many former soldiers who volunteer as civilian police. The Israel Police has established a new police academy in Beit-Shemesh, which incorporates all of the existing learning and training facilities of the Police within a single campus. Darryl Jackson Where American Muslims Are Now, and What Lies Ahead? The law permits the following people to carry firearms in schools: 1. the guards (provided they are the security company's property and not their own weapons). There are 750,000 cops in the USA. ". As in Israel, New York's police volunteers wear uniforms. Essential Phone List Information Request Prosecution Division Criminal The Israel Police had more than twenty schools dispersed throughout the country, at the regional and nation-wide levels. THE IP HAS THE DUAL FUNCTION OF PERFORMING TRADITIONAL POLICE SERVICES AND ASSURING INTERNAL SECURITY. The primary objective of this move was to ensure the uniformity of the training of all police personnel, all the way to deputy chief (brigadier-general) rank. She recalls Israeli training of the Nigerian military to protect Nigerian presidents who instilled fear and oppression. If the United States ever reaches the point in which it becomes truly serious about implementing genuine reform of its police departments and criminal justice system, then detaching police departments from methods and strategies used by Israeli security forces must be part of that reform. Thus why China, Myanmar, and India have turned to the Israeli military for guidance in their respective efforts to repress Uyghur, Rohingya, and Kashmiri Muslim populations. Jazzablanca: Jazz and Class Converge in Morocco, Marrakechs Magnificent Medersa Ben Youssef Reopens its Doors, Haftar Sought Israels Blessings Before Announcing his Bid for Libyas Presidency, Despite Some Allies Losses, Iran Remains Key Influence in Iraqs Elections, With Nizar Banats Murder, the PA Has Gone Too Far. Yes, those articles are quite informative. "I'm not against it. Ive worn a face diaper just once in 2020 when I went to court for an hour or so in July. When an American was stabbed to death on the beachfront near Tel Aviv in March, an Israeli volunteer police officer shot and killed the Palestinian attacker. The National Police Academy constitutes a turning point with regard to the personal security of the citizens of Israel. Run through Georgia State University, the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange arranges for American law enforcement officials, corporate security executives, and police officers to engage in trainings, briefings, and seminars with governments including that of China, Colombia, Egypt, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the original and primary focus of the program, Israel. Operating within the civilian society presents you with unexpected challenges. According to an Israeli Embassy official, the security apparatus for each educational institution is determined by the threat level for that particular institution. "Once they've gone through their 20 hours of training, they're fully qualified police officers," says Mickey Rosenfeld, a spokesperson for the Israeli police. Israeli volunteers can do both. All of the simulation installations were designed and built as scaled-down models of the originals, so that every trainee can drill practical scenarios that closely resemble real-life situations. The unit was inspired in part by Israeli practices in the Occupied Territories, according to the 2013 book, Enemies Within, by Matt Apuzzo and Adam Goldman. These are the trainers who go there and come back to train American policemen how to be brutes, how to step on people's faces, how to put children in headlocks. The Police is undergoing a crisis. The course is nine meetings over two months, with each meeting lasting three hours. The military is more popular than the police in Israel. Looking ahead, the new academy should turn us into a better police force in all respects., Parade in Tehran on Iranian Army Day, April 2022. Between African American and Black African the Effectiveness of the U.S. state Department to more define... 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