<> 2 0 obj Putting people first is what we are committed to doing as a Council. Pay Council Tax online or by other methods, like direct debit to your local council . Deputy Chief Executive (Corporate Development) and S151 Officer. Is there a culture of challenge and scrutiny? These areas are critical to councils performance and improvement. A basic estimate of spending on unions as a percentage of the total pay bill(calculated as the number of full time equivalent days spent on union duties multiplied by the average salary divided by the total pay bill). Web development by WDAD and Designworks, What 2022 had in store for EVP, and what next year might have up its sleeve. 6 0 obj !zYG3+3eaJi=BB"A](8VZUOw&Ku8kIZ`H6\P ]~uP&0"^uvV@ m J. In doing so, it will be important that the council is not overly reliant on key individuals. Aq2)ep$dILcp"nA6'kkDbD&su@SCp(t6ljo1'#p)(uny^Qf_QZPJ Re 8 0 obj endobj For example, there is an enhanced understanding of, and connection to the business community due to support and grants distributed during the pandemic. <> The campaign ran from the start of July through until the middle of August and was highly successful filling both advertised posts,and because of the quality received, another was appointed to a specially created additional role. endobj Mrs C Richardson Looking to the future when sustainable improvement has been achieved, it will also be important for SKDC to transition to a more external facing approach to articulate, and leverage, more clearly its vision and ambitions for place. "4A5ZU>Gw47E^$M'$ ~m@Nv+`\P)L0[8p8DaID@@d9;X#bx ar8X 3,8@dN}Y/367H/znz4h*&ncs>qdp`)\2(9&P`, Y6dxYZ/_ QBES4MT8n)98=`(gEtpQ]E{ We want to help South Kesteven to grow. (example, Find and verify South Kesteven District Council employee emails, phone numbers, social links, and more in the Send email campaigns. This could help to enrich SKDCs understanding of its communities and use this insight to influence decisions and service design. 11 0 obj Company Governance: Local Partnerships offer services including reviewing council owner (or part owned) companies to reflect on if governance structures and risk management processes are sufficiently robust. Enter employee name to find & verify emails, phones, social links, etc. 1 0 obj Similarly, effective external communication of SKDCs corporate messages will be key to delivery of SKDCs place leadership aspirations. (See Governance and Culture paragraph). Peer challenges are improvement focused; it is important to stress that this was not an inspection. 108 0 obj SKDC had ambitious plans to meet the economic and political challenges it faced in what were, and remain, challenging times for as a small district council. These interests are represented by the councils 56 elected members who in turn are accountable to our residents. Protecting the health of our staff, members and residents; maintaining critical services; supporting local businesses. southkesteven.gov.uk. Within this, SKDC may also want to consider conducting a skills audit. SKDC can be proud in recognising and celebrating what it has achieved in the past 18 months and looking ahead to achieving its full potential. PDF of the report on the South Kesteven District Council website. Investing in relationships will support the development of greater trust, accountability and shared understanding which is something many councils are doing in response to experiences during the pandemic. This request has been closed to new correspondence. % Are you the owner of any commercial copyright on this page? <> These include reviews of Good Governance, constitution, scrutiny, assets, and plans to introduce the new model Code of Conduct. stream Consideration should be given to how SKDCs change agenda continues in a sustainable model that mitigates against 'single points of failure given the critical roles of the Leader and Chief Executive in this. Wellbeing, Structural and process changes alone will not strengthen these controls. Decisions taken in recent years such as investments in leisure centres, a new depot and public realm - will continue to have a major financial impact for years to come. SKDCs commitment to establish a positive organisational culture, and measures taken to drive this, are widely recognised and are showing results. David Steels - Assistant Director - Environment and Public Protection, Building Control, The council recognises that use of reserves is not a sustainable long term financial strategy. Read what this employee has to say about working at South Kesteven District Council: Housing Department - extremely poor pace to work. /ID [<31322D43302D34312D34332D42352D30><39352D42372D44302D36352D37342D43>] Whilst this is not reflective of all members or officers behaviours, it was reported on a sufficient scale, and across backbench and Cabinet Members, to merit further action being taken. endobj Its response to Covid 19 pandemic is well regarded, closer working relationships have been forged with several partners, and the district has enhanced its understanding of place as a consequence. Brian Bealings made this Freedom of Information request to South Kesteven District Council Joint Chief Executive. The districts location, transport connectivity, physical assets, and success in leveraging in external funding (e.g. %PDF-1.3 % SocietyWorks Ltd It is evident that they are increasingly confident, visible across the organisation and sharing the load in promoting and remodelling SKDCs organisational values, behaviours and priorities. SKDC should now focus on providing clarity and pace to drive forward progress against its key priorities which include health inequalities, climate change and community safety. It requires the least amount of effort to help find information needed. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The current refresh of the Corporate Plan which is underway provides a great opportunity to achieve this. Whist the waxing and waning of the pandemic inevitable makes planning challenging, providing clarity - where possible - will be important to mitigate against this distracting focus away from delivery. The personal drive of the Chief Executive, leading by example and taking her team with her, should not be underestimated in achieving the current positive direction of travel. There is a desire from the VCS for SKDC to go further to deepen partnership working and dialogue. Bringing together plans around blended working, staff accommodation, asset management and IT investment will support long-term joined-up planning, aligned to SKDCs future organisational vision. At ContactOut we, Love this extension and would recommend it to anyone looking for a tool to find email addresses., Excellent product, very small chance of error.. 1.3 Aidan Rave has been with the Council for two years and has steered the authority through a period of significant change. Examples included induction support for newly elected members on how the council works, as well as longer term skill development, including being a Company Director. We are achieving these priorities with such clarity, purpose and efficiency that we are gaining recognition for the results of our work at both a national and a regional level. Our data is compliant with GDPR and USA privacy laws. 1[!zXTX!zCAY=@VAFKR In the meantime, Mark Edgell, Principal Adviser for East Midlands is the main contact between your authority and the Local Government Association. Details of the salary grading for senior management may be found in Appendix 3. SKDCs political decision-making process can, however, be time consuming, with a demanding committee cycle frequency. <> (05798215). Menu Search. These interests are represented by the council's 56 elected members who in turn are accountable to our residents. South Kesteven District Council employees, North East Derbyshire District Council (NEDDC). % C0wHrte0UpYZ5Nh>#.fIW IxHm2 c(.Y`$,)%n We have selected the top 18 most searched for applications forms. We have selected the top 16 most searched for applications forms. 4 South Kesteven District Council reviews. Tel: 01476 406080. Positive steps have been taken in recent months to foster closer relationships between members and officers at a senior level. Brian Bealings. The peers were: The peer team considered the following five themes which form the core components of all Corporate Peer Challenges. Your donations keep this site and others like it running. Reviews from South Kesteven District Council employees about South Kesteven District Council culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Put SKDC on the map (not many would have heard of it let alone know where it is in the UK). There is a strong commitment from the political and officer leadership to improvement, with leadership from Leader and Chief Executive integral to the significant progress made to date. 1.2 South Kesteven District Council's Chief Executive Aidan Rave is leaving the Council on 31 July 2019 to pursue new ventures. A dynamic senior housing professional with excellent strategic vision who delivers exceptional performance in complex multifunctional organisations - described as "a leader amongst leaders"<br>Local authority Director, reporting to the Council's Chief Executive and responsible for a portfolio of customer-facing services. Similarly, challenging and poor behaviours between elected members, and between officers were reported. 105 0 obj SKDC is moving into new territory in terms of the financial challenges it faces. The staff the Peer Team spoke to were passionate, dedicated, spoke highly of their immediate teams, and proud of what they do for the council and its communities. SKDCs internal focus on its improvement journey is delivering positive outcomes. Bringing together existing workforce planning initiatives would be beneficial to align interventions to have greatest impact (e.g. nvesting in individual development (both elected member and officer), and seeking to learn from elsewhere, is important to establish a continuous learning culture to drive forward improvement and change. free lookups / month. Get verified emails for Access one billion emails. Consideration could now be given to reinforcing and developing the SKDC brand which staff, partner and communities can coalesce around. This will also help foster a positive external perception of SKDC and those who represent it, as behavioural leadership has an impact externally as well as internally within the organisation. #TeamSK, for example, is often felt on a team level, rather than as a one organisational culture corporately. mark.edgell@local.gov.uk would be happy to discuss if you would like to explore this further. SKDCs organisational leadership has undergone a transformation through a raft of changes introduced over the past 18 months including the appointment of a new Chief Executive, restructures, and service reviews. It covers Bourne, Grantham, Market Deeping and Stamford. We have selected the top 6 things you can pay for. 3. Up to 5 Sign up for a free account. There are currently four remaining - InvestSK, EnviroSK, LeisureSK and Gravitas. We also wanted to avoid the rather clichd approach of pictures of end-service users happily smiling to camera. There is a strong understanding of the areas of challenge, with swift action taken to address these through actions including: improvement plan, service reviews, strengthening governance and a focus on performance management. 5 0 obj Further collaboration with partners on shared priorities - such as local skills and zero carbon could help unlock this potential. Enhancing opportunities for closer teamwork between members and officers will help foster greater trust, accountability, and shared understanding and create capacity for elected members to invest in other aspect of their roles. [?4&p6fNDz{vI}Y/ct>[w5IWZe,M6131S.Mk;4SaUX jP#y?RY>)aHg/S%D.x_D Y% G Neu-V)?LTHF2;=IP;YlI*[SCdnY|$S-X8Xe:n'w'?l:w=Jg"+3X8 Finally, we created a strapline which encapsulated the brief in a very succinct and meaningful way: Public sector pace setters. Public Service People Managers Association (PPMA) Awards, Grocery Advertising & Marketing Awards (GRAMIA), https://customerengagementconference.com/. x\]7|nI [w}%k_D$35U5dedfDU_~|j_^]]?w? A member-managed, as opposed to member-led, officer managed approach was described at all levels of the organisation with the legacy and cultural memory of organisational churn and leadership styles still affecting how members and officers operate and feel. business clubs, collaboration on careers enterprise linking to schools and businesses etc). The SKDC workforce are a huge asset. Putting people first is what we are committed to doing as a Council. 6. !%5oofuodt'A3;cI:mV^*I}jQ+IY6EmU>t/mN*;.P099;^q%)l[|'4(WZ[)KU{Eiq:wJXKD#^^l:HtAzCICVqF#l6MZ7y "\&wo=;k LR\6D-#N$".r6+Pm,2DH,p`'4$nF$4*p#$ASO4eqy:Z)v7S=a/NOn?C[G7hDVNp9`04-FJ=WEZWIi\+azz~:9M1W#P?z-e&O73=mXQ{eq+8p*sS!uq2vZnaIfi2D_* ~+0tVeW,UlC_`)OX}O*:1:LXpSGSt Fu44>X4&j Michelle Sacks. The inventory also included innovative video banners. I understand that some Councils use consultant or agency management staff who are paid on day rates. To realise this, SKDC should reinforce and create links across all partners to restate and secure buy-in to its vision for economic growth. A growing population and a growing economy creates jobs, secures infrastructure and attracts investment. Manager of Global Recruiting, WarnerMedia, This is definitely my preferred extension for finding email addresses. Partnerships, endobj View as HTML, FW Freedom of Information request Senior Management.txt, 1K mark.edgell@local.gov.uk would be happy to discuss if you would like to explore this further. The make-up of the peer team reflected the focus of the peer challenge and peers were selected on the basis of their relevant expertise. JFIF C Additionally, there are concerns internally about the need for prioritisation. Organisational and place leadership - Does the council provide effective local leadership? Join the community to connect with real employees and see what other professionals are saying about their companies. Contact number 01476 406080. Direct Dial: 01476 406113, 504K external health check of company governance structures, implementation of existing governance reviews etc). Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. South Kesteven District Council's YouTube channelCommittee Meeting are now broadcast from https://southkesteven.public-i.tv/core/portal/home We acknowledge receipt of your email which will be forwarded to the appropriate person for a response. 5 0 obj (See Local Priorities and Outcomes). Since then, internal communications appear to be gaining traction and recruitment to new positions has taken place, however there is still scope to do more to continue to strengthen two-way information flows. Outlined below are a number which may be of interest. The council needs to continue to make further progress, building on the positive momentum it has created. Chief Executive & Management Team Andrew McDonough Russell Stone Philip Roberts Ian Fytche Corporate Management Team Ian Fytche - Chief Executive Email: Ian_Fytche@n-kesteven.gov.uk Philip. It is recognised that senior political and managerial leadership will want to consider, discuss, and reflect on these findings. There is a recognition of the need to strengthen governance across the organisation, from decision-making, through to its arms length structures. {{ userNotificationState.getAlertCount('bell') }}. It was also reported to the Peer Team that unpredictable planning outcomes are affecting the views of developers and could adversely impact their investment decisions. This can be seen through the recognition of inflationary pressures in 2022/23 budget setting process. Dear South Kesteven District Council, please tell me how many managers were employed by the Council on the 14th September on a salary of 50,000 or more. Developing a strategy and plans for future ways of working will reinforce this direction of travel by supporting long-term, joined-up planning, aligned to SKDCs future organisational vision. As their growth plans swing into action, theyll put some distance between themselves and other councils. please tell me how many managers were employed by the Council on the 14th September on a salary of 50,000 or more. Follow us on Facebook; Follow us on Twitter; Follow us on Linked In . Governance and Constitution, View more in the, Funding awarded to the Terry O'Toole theatre, Photo ID needed to vote in elections on May 4. References to micromanagement, a blame culture, and them and us mentality were reported in relation to the attitude of some councillors towards staff. What is surprising is that the Leader of the Council has just written to all residents claiming to have reduced the number of senior managers. . endobj What is it really like to work at South Kesteven District Council? 5.4 The Council publishes senior management salary rates and gender pay details on its website in line with the requirements of the Government's transparency agenda. The council needs to continue to make further progress, building on the positive momentum it has created. SKDCs workforce are a huge asset, being committed to delivering for the authority and driving forward improvement. Further details on the East Midlands website. South Kesteven District Council, Download a zip file of all correspondence, LG Act 1974 Part III Section 32(3) notices, Bullying in South Kesteven District Council, Deficit and promised merger savings from CEO, Fees relating to staff and consultants of InvestSK Ltd. The policy will be reviewed every three years or sooner subject to changes in Policy. South Kesteven District Council, Council Offices, St Peters Hill, Grantham, Lincs, NG31 6PZ 2 0 obj 4. In the meantime if you would like to speak to someone please contact the office on the number given below. Every decision we make supports these priorities and is centred on protecting lives and livelihoods. services through our wholly owned subsidiary Email address safeguarding@southkesteven.gov.uk. SKDC produces an Annual Equality and Diversity Position Statement and seeks to promote equality of opportunity across its functions in line with its public sector equality duty. Further work is required to support officers and members to promote respect, equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) through their roles whilst challenging unacceptable behaviours. One interesting feature of the site was the use of two videos from the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive. Several partners talked about a desire to collaborate further with SKDC to deliver on shared priorities. Collectively these measures would assist with workforce planning to address resource gaps and improve outcomes for staff and managers. There is a risk of elected members being left exposed if there is a blurring of member and officer roles if this results in councillors stepping into the operational service delivery space. /Info 102 0 R e5x 2=gO6l4 &U These interests are represented by the council's 56 elected members who in turn . Are there good relationships with partner organisations and local communities? endobj %PDF-1.7 No credit card required. endobj This report is prepared solely for the use of Council and senior management of South Kesteven District Council. %PDF-1.7 V)HI Q Ky(IiNi!}4BhbQ(L%za(#Yk;6EC}o|Dxxkyv"E$RatSZ\MlY+L#"E5@0e:k] ,j"B&~0HL^T8JQYQJ4f:67V$HlPS}-:8@OG%X/j8}_2Y` +U=D#D5+(Af0pp6H*(0ZPEJG3'br"Xe=rXX0 ]w@&"f!TE!35E cgf&0CYbZV@q&+:3S Email: Andrew_McDonough@n-kesteven.gov.uk. Seeking to learn from elsewhere and investing in individuals development will also be important in establishing a continuous learning culture to drive forward improvement. 4 0 obj 5dNv, tOJy~+szT -^;fl5?QLy\E'M;`0MhW>KCK?Fendstream Staff turnover and vacancies were however cited by some partners as affecting progress and working relations. << /Type /XRef /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 165 /W [ 1 3 1 ] /Index [ 105 48 ] <> I assume that like Teachers and Police Officers there is a national pay scale for Council managers and Id like to follow this up with a further FOI request if anyone knows who to put it to. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request Peer challenges are delivered by experienced elected member and officer peers. mySociety These interests are represented by the councils 56 elected members who in turn are accountable to our residents. This has all been underpinned by a resolute commitment to improvement from political leadership. ",#(7),01444'9=82. This includes SKDC being in the top quartile of performers in the distribution of COVID-19 business support grants as well as being considered one of the most proactive councils locally in relation to testing and vaccination communications. 7 0 obj 2. Investing further in political leadership development would support the Cabinet in forging an approach based on collective endeavour whilst also strengthening cross-organisational working. *Ib*2_K9mY There are some good member and officer relationships, however, this is not consistent across the council. SKDC aspires to be a high performing council with this a clear and measurable objective in its Corporate Plan, however some services are starting from a low base. Regards The district has significant growth potential and benefits from the enablers to support these aspirations which include connectivity, relative prosperity and physical assets. s endobj South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) is a local authority in England which exists to serve the best interests of our residents. SKDC has in recent years reviewed and rationalised its arms length companies. Bringing together plans around blended working, staff accommodation, asset management and IT investment will help provide this focus, and support long-term, joined-up planning, aligned to SKDCs future organisational vision. Previous initiatives whereby councillors spent time with services to enhance their understanding of the practical demands and barriers encountered in service delivery have been received positively. <> 1 0 obj P3"NhGAb>>D8?GZ:@IT! I've used a few other services and ContactOut is the easiest one to use., ContactOut worked really well for us. {last} Christine Marshall. Future High Streets Funding, HAZ Funding) provide the platform to translate this potential into outcomes such as protecting and creating jobs, developing high streets and, securing investment. ;,3`p;}M;=cRob~?a0k2 B_X. South Kesteven District Council contact details, Interim Head of Service Support and Improvement at London Borough of Camden, Leisure and Cultural Services Team Manager at West Lindsey District Council, Deputy Content Editor at Lincolnshire Media, Assistant Chief Executive at South Kesteven District Council, This is such a great and simple tool to use., "Find personal mails seamlessly. The Corporate Peer Challenge builds on this work. As reflected in the RPS, perseverance, resilience, and constant reinforcement will be required for meaningful change to become embedded throughout the organisation. Deputy Chief Executive (Growth) Adrian Sibley. Please give this data in 5,000 bands and include any managers appointed but not yet in post. Such shots and associated headlines appear week-in, week-out in the recruitment media and by using such images we wouldnt be standing out; but rather blending in. SKDC recognise there is still a way to go to achieve the culture and performance improvements it aspires to, and that sustainable improvement will take time to embed. 3 0 obj Every decision we make supports these priorities and is centred on protecting lives and livelihoods. Neither had high, glossy production values, but were deliberately shot in a very down-to-earth way to convey an honest and authentic message from both individuals as to why someone should consider joining SKDC. Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of members and officers will be important to rebalance this organisational dynamic. Business engagement - at a grassroots and strategic level is something the council are proud of and has been visibly championed by the Leader (e.g. Summary of the peer challenge approach, Membership and services for councils and councillors, LGA principal advisers and regional teams, Licences, regulations and trading standards, resources for elected members on equality, diversity and inclusion, including a workbook, resources for elected members on community leadership, including a workbook, Further details on the East Midlands website, Stephen Baker, Chief Executive, East Suffolk Council, Cllr Abi Brown, Leader, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Kirsten Burnett, Head of Policy and Organisational Development, Hyndburn Borough Council, Paul Ellis, Director of Services and Deputy Chief Executive, Craven District Council, Stephen Cooper, Senior Workforce Adviser, LGA. South Kesteven District Council Together, their strong relationship and joined up leadership is reflected in the broad organisational support for their drive for positive change. The following report directly to the Economy and Place Director: A chart illustrating the structure of the senior management team is located in Appendix 2 of the NKDC Pay Policy 2021-22. Find emails on Linkedin and Github. More housing means more council tax and more businesses means more business rates. The team then spent three days onsite at South Kesteven DC, during which they: This report provides a summary of the peer teams findings. Community Safety, Jason Jarvis- Assistant Director - Finance, Payroll and Exchequer, Continuing to deepen and systemise this engagement with communities would further enhance SKDCs understanding of its citizens and strengthen its role as a place and community leader. To work the peers were selected on the 14th September on a salary of 50,000 or more by experienced member! 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