Structural Racism is a system in which public policies, institutional practices, cultural representations, and other norms work in various, often reinforcing ways to perpetuate racial group inequity. Max Weber distinguished three different sources of stratification in society. In the Asian American household _________. is the exercise of authority of power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. When assessing a multiracial child's presenting concerns, the counselor should consider_________. How can a confidence interval estimate for the population mean provide conclusions for the corresponding two-tail hypothesis test for the population mean? How does Noel's third variable explain why Africans were enslaved instead of other groups? According to Alyson Klein, The state had to create two types of reports. The social or physical characteristics that mark the boundaries between groups are usually ______. Challenging the institutional & structural barriers. Here's some common terms that might help you. NOT: promoting aggression towards minority groups. | 7 | 515.10 | | | | The executive committee is advised by Tom that after all the estimating was completed, he determined that one of his two critical systems analysts might have to move out of the area for critical family reasons. primary sector jobs require high levels of education they often do not have access to. Which theory can be used to best explain poverty rates for households led by single Black women? 3 out of 3 points. Learning about white privilege isn't harmful to white working class children viewpoint, debunks the idea that we live in a meritocracy, Events Coordinator - Melbourne Law School, Monash Business School - Senior Academic appointment opportunities, Lecturer (Level B) / Senior Lecturer (Level C) in Social Work Field Education. Underemployment refers to working ________. Which of the following permitted immigration from Mexico? are inequalities in power, access, opportunities, treatment, and policy impacts and outcomes, whether they are intentional or not. The probability of the preferred destination not being a Chinese city. The proverb the nail that sticks up must be hammered down comes from ______. (a habit of wearing veils or turbans; dark hair/eyes and olive-colored skin; Arabic names). NOT: minority group assimilation strategies. Schools for Native Americans were primarily focused on education and not on "Westernizing" children. White supremacy lies at the heart of how systems in society work. It would be easy to blame the people affected, but that would ignore how structural racism works. Which of the following statements about Arab Americans is true? Structural racism is the most profound and pervasive form of racism - all other forms of racism emerge form structural racism. According to the ALGBTIC competencies, competent counselors understand that homosexuality, bisexuality, and gender nonconformity are ____. This is a particular problem within the __________ approaches. NOT: Latino groups are highly variable with regard to the extent at which they acculturate but are often "quicker" to change than other immigrants (e.g., by learning English, by adopting Anglo customs). As a result, many have had to work through the pandemic as key workers, increasing their exposure and susceptibility to catching or dying from the virus. When working with culturally diverse clients, it is essential to remember that there are more __________ differences than __________ differences. |-----------------|------------|-----|-----|----| The term ______ refers to individuals living in the U.S. who are recent immigrants from or identify closely with the European heritage in terms of values, traditions, and worldview. It was not until 1954 that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that detention (i.e., of Japanese Americans) was unconstitutional. Immigrants from ______ benefited the most from the industrialization of the economy. b. states can gain but never lose districts Individuals within institutions take on the power of the institution when they act in way that advantage and disadvantage people based on race. the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). From a Western perspective, the division of labor in Native American societies was "backward." Critical Race Theory (a concept devised by US legal scholars which explains that racism is so endemic in society that it can feel non-existent to those who arent targets of it) also debunks the idea that we live in a meritocracy. | 8 | 618.40 | | | | Movement through cultural identity development statuses is best described as _____. Modern racism maintains structural inequalities by ______. The sense of a personal link to particular groups and heritages within American society is fading quickly. If the counselor is seen as an authority figure, the client may expect the counselor to: Children in collectivistic families (as Arab American families may be) are: All of the above (less likely to express family conflict in the teen years; more likely to be protected against influences perceived as corrupting; less likely to choose a profession or academic major without consulting with their family). When counseling men, gender-sensitive counselors should engage in specific behaviors that. _______ is an abstract concept which prescribes the way children need to show respect and obedience toward their parents, elders, and ancestors. Selected Answer: Psychological distancing. Multiculturally sensitive counselors working with clients of African descent use a___________. All of the following are considered virtues in Asian American culture EXCEPT_________. Modern racism supports the idea that African Americans are inherently inferior based on biological differences. "The marginalization of the minority group labor force is a reflection of the essence of globalization and modern American capitalism." When conceptualizing a White American client, which of the following within-group variables will be important to consider? The bus drivers initial indifference to the volume can best be understood because a. the volume was below her absolute threshold. The operation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs on Native reservations represents a ______ system of group relations. Being an ethical, socially responsible counselor involves_________. Whites benefited from the system of slavery regardless of whether they owned slaves. WHAT INTERNAL FACTOR OF RACISM IS DESCRIBED AS JUDGING THE OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS ACCORDING TO THE STANDARDS AND VALUES OF ONE'S OWN GROUP? When is a transaction recorded in a general journal? The human capital theory assumes that a person's investment in machinery or new technology is the determining factor of one's status attainment in society. fluctuated according to the demand for unskilled labor in the United States. Racism= Prejudice + Power. ____ refers to changes in behavior, cognitions, values, language, cultural activities, personal relational styles, and beliefs as a cultural minority group encounters the majority culture. Slavery was a caste system, or a(n) ______ stratification system. d. acquiring the money necessary to seek a major office. Microaggression for Asian Americans occur in the form of microassaults, microinsults, and _________. Copyright 20102023, The Conversation Media Group Ltd. A journalist holding up a copy of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry report shortly after its publication. An) _____ perspective focuses on universal qualities common to all cultures and aspects of counseling that are generalizable across cultures, while the _____ perspective involves viewing each client as an individual and evaluating the client using their cultural norms, After Hiroshi's client informs him that she was denied an apartment lease due to her race, he refers his client to the free legal clinic available to university students. It is considered more respectful to use ____ pronouns when referring to people who identify as genderqueer. the means by which a society satisfies basic needs. Institutional Racism. 3) The racism that remains in the U.S. comes as a DIRECT RESULT of CRM. _____ describes people who feel that the sex they were assigned at birth is in alignment with their identified gender. All of the above (transsexuals; genderqueers; cross-dressers), Refers to protecting the honor of the family. Pointing to the increasing affluence of African Americans, a. class has become more important than race in, In his research, sociologist William J. Wilson pointed to the, b. were competing successfully with young Whites. In counseling Arab American clients, the ideal counseling dyad includes ____. \int x e^{x^2} d x WHAT TYPE OF RACISM TAKES THE FORM OF PRACTICES, CUSTOMS, RULES, AND STANDARDS OF ORGANIZATIONS, INCLUDING GOVERNMENTS THAT UNNECESSARILY DISADVANTAGE PEOPLE BECAUSE OF THEIR RACE, COLOR, OR ETHNICITY? Being a culturally competent counselor involves_________. The Burakumin were created centuries ago, when Japanese society was organized into a caste system based on ______. Western counseling approaches (i.e., insight-based strategies) may be beneficial for Arab Americans who are: For prayer and other activities in traditional Arab Muslim households, ____. The suggestion being that these gains are evidence of a meritocracy (the idea that people can gain power or success through hard work alone). collectivism, spirituality, and extended family relationships. All of the above. Refers to the unquestioned and unearned set of advantages, entitlements, benefits and choices bestowed on people solely because they are white. This is an example of ______. Key to modern racism and sexism is the belief that ______. Providing a client with reading material on racism in the workplace may be most appropriate and helpful for a client identified as the ___ type of the key model. _____ is/are brief & commonplace daily, verbal, behavioral, & environmental indignities. Ethnic enclaves can develop only when businesses, financial expertise, and capital are combined with a disciplined labor force. ____ refers to prematurely holding a belief or attitude without appropriate examination or consideration of actual data, while ____ refers to covert and overt behaviors based on generalizations about individuals' cultural group memberships. On Native American reservations, unemployment ______. Women can be viewed as a minority group because ______. Robert Blauner's theory of dominant-minority relations emphasizes the importance of ______. The emerging information-based, high-tech society is ______ to offer many opportunities to people with lower levels of education and few occupational skills. ______ immigrant groups who were ethnically similar to the dominant group generally experienced a lower degree of ethnocentric rejection. The term __________ has not been typically used to discuss or describe the multiracial population. It identifies dimensions of our history and culture that have allowed privileges associated with "whiteness" and disadvantages associated with "color" to endure and adapt over time. the concept that greater understanding of individual men can be gained by revisiting their relationships with their fathers, grandfathers and other men in their family. The group-oriented nature of enslaved Black women's work allowed for the creation of networks to shape forms of resistance. \begin{array}{c} A person refuses to rent an apartment to a person of a different racial or ethnic group. Which theoretical perspective best explains this phenomenon? discriminatory behavior based on the perceived or actual class status of others, __________ is NOT one of the domains of the Social Class Worldview Model (SCWM), For traditional Native Americans, the proper way of greeting is_________, A counselor cannot make __________ about the origin, nature, or severity of a client's presenting concern based on SES, A factor that contributes to the relative silence about classism is_________, Both of the above: psychological distancing, poverty attribution, From a multicultural perspective, a White American adolescent who experiences isolation from peers and feels that she does not fit in anywhere may be experiencing_________, a conflict between personal values and cultural values, Arlene Lacombe, Kathryn Dumper, Rose Spielman, William Jenkins. c. exploitation should be eradicated so that all classes of people can be considered equal d. race has ceased to be of concern as educated Blacks are entering the middle class All of the above (Arab Americans see themselves as part of an extended family and community structure; help is sought from other members of the group; interdependence is valued as a sign of dedication). 1) Racism is thing of the past (see above). A factor that might cause diverse clients to avoid counseling is ____. The race riots of the mid-1960s began in a Black neighborhood in ______. ensuring that survivors are safe from their abusers. The racial background of Mexican Americans is mainly ______. It can only be understood as a relationship between human beings in a specific historic, economic, and social setting. Acting White shifts the responsibility of low school, The characterization of associating acting White with speaking. None of the above. A competent counselor should refer to a female client who is attracted to other women ____. Asian American family structure is typically _________. All of the above (not forms of psychopathology; not evidence of developmental arrest; core characteristics that influence clients' perceptions of themselves and their worlds). Having to prove cultural identity leaves Native Americans with differing feelings. Months later, amid continued division over the reports position that racism isnt pronounced in the UK, theres still some confusion about what exactly some of the reports buzzwords mean. ** The Red Power movement was required to strike a balance between ______ in order to best advocate for tribal rights and sovereignty. Their exposure to these inequalities cant be blamed on pessimism or class or culture, but the structures within which they worked. police to check anyone for proof of citizenship. On average, _________. Social implications of race based segregation. __________ marked the beginning of the modern LGBTQI rights movement. Which of the following practices in schools, especially middle and high schools, intensifies segregation at the classroom level? An extended network of relationships that encompass several households. The notion that Asian Americans are a model minority ______. Poston's model of biracial identity includes all of the following except, Achieved (does include: personal identity, enmeshment/denial, appreciation), Root's ecological model of multiracial identity development suggests that identity development is, Institutional racism is closely related to, The Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity were created to, The statement "I am angry at God for letting my mother die!" ______ counseling approaches may be useful for Arab American clients because these approaches allow clients to tell their story and be heard, understood, and validated. African-American gay and bisexual men are more likely to abuse ____. there is more variation within traditional gender categories than between groups. State Bill 1070, passed by the Arizona legislature in the spring of 2010, required law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of anyone they stopped, detained, or arrested if they had a "reasonable" suspicion that the person might be in the country illegally. Which of the following statements is FALSE for the general U.S. Latina/o population? Arab Americans can be identified by ____. This higher power _________, may be referred to as one gender, but does not exist within one specific gender. This statement is consistent with the __________ of Buddhism. Large scale Asian American immigration began with_________. Asian Americans undergo a dual but parallel development in relation to their ethnic & sexual identities. A common stereotype about LGBTQI individuals is that they: All of the above (have a high income; do not have kids; are promiscuous), None of the above (is a fairly simple process; begins at a specific age; is over by midlife), All of the above (physical identity; gender identity; social sex role identity. a person who makes a conscious choice to act to challenge some aspect of the white supremacy system: including his/her own white privilege, as well as some form of oppression against people of color. People who are ______ are those who have variations of reproductive or sexual anatomy that do not fit into the socially constructed definitions of male (XX) and female (XY). The relative success of Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans is often used as a device for ______. All racist behavior falls into the sociological phenomena of groups and power dynamics. Interracial/Inter-cultural Pride (I-Pride). | Output per Week | Total Cost | AFC | ATC | MC | WHICH TYPE AND FORM OF RACISM OCCURS WHEN ORGANIZATIONAL POLICIES KNOWINGLY CAUSE UNFAIR TREATMENT TO A PARTICULAR RACE OR ETHNIC GROUP? The statement "I don't tell racist jokes but I admit I sometimes laugh. $$ It is historically based, institutionally perpetuated system of: (1) preferential prejudice for and treatment of white people based solely on their skin color and/or ancestral origin from Europe; and (2) exemption from racial and/or national oppression based on skin color and/or ancestral origin from Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Arab world. Fidel Castro's rise to power in 1959 and the 1980 Mariel Boatlift. I don't like that I do that." ______'s best known tactic was the organization of a grape pickers' strike and a national grape boycott that began in 1965. According to research, individuals of African descent often describe themselves as___________. This observation would most likely be made by which social theorist? Acknowledgement: My thanks to Professor David Gillborn for his guidance and suppport with this article. Individual-level racism is seen in prejudice, bias, or discrimination displayed between two or more people. The belief in a meritocracy can contribute to mental health concerns by_________, According to Sue (2004), ethnocentric monoculturalism refers to_________, White Americans' failure to recognize their own ethnocentric beliefs and values (NOT all of the above), Class bias may influence therapeutic interventions by_________, All of the above: (assuming that people with pressing resource concerns must solve these problems before receiving any counseling, ignoring resources stressors, infusing counseling with middle class assumptions and values), The general term, Native Americans, refers to _________, Both of the above: American Indian and Alaska Native, Although Native American tribes/nations are described as heterogeneous, it is common for tribes/nations to have strong_________. Unearned set of advantages, entitlements, benefits and choices bestowed on people solely they... The modern LGBTQI rights movement respect and obedience toward their parents, elders and... 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