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UAE Financial Markets Association is pleased to host the 48th edition of ICA Conference & Exhibition in Dubai from 13 to 15 November 2025

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Morocco Financial Markets Association (AMSM) is pleased to host the 46th edition of Interarab Cambist Association-ICA Conference & Exhibition to be held from 16th to 19th November 2023. Please log on www.icamorocco2023.com for details and registration.. 

Interarab Cambist Association - ICA founded in Paris, France in 1972, is a non-lucrative professional association with 14 affiliated countries from North Africa and the Middle East. Our members, Arab and non-Arab working in regional and international banks and financial institutions, are engaged in financial trading and sales representing FX, interest rate products, equities, commodities and others. On June 4th, 2003 and under the decree 1220/D 77, the Interarab Cambist Association has become a member of The Council for Arab Economic Unity which is a body organization of The Arab League. 

Annual Conference - More than 500 senior treasury managers, managing directors, investment bankers, risk management and asset wealth management directors, chief economists, chief strategists and senior dealers representing international banks and institutions from around the world attend ICA annual conference, benefiting of the exchange of professional expertise and network development. Conference delegates of Arab nationalities comprise sixty percent while the forty percent are Europeans and Americans. A trade show accompanies the annual conference where vendors showcase their latest products.

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